A national digital technology training programme that was launched in Clackmannanshire earlier this year is to deliver a new series of fully funded workshops.
DigitalBoost, which is aimed at helping Scottish SME’s capitalise on the rapidly developing area of digital technologies, has been developed by Business Gateway, Scottish Enterprise and Highland and Island Enterprise on behalf of Digital Scotland.
The new programme launched this month will build on the original series of workshops and will include Twitter, producing engaging online content and paid for advertising. These will complement previous topics such as website data analytics, facebook for business, digital marketing strategy and email marketing.
Stuart McCusker of Business Gateway Clackmannanshire said: “Using digital technologies effectively can improve business efficiencies, provide growth opportunities and allow Clackmannanshire businesses to enter new markets. We’ve had a great response to our DigitalBoost workshops already. The next phase will focus on building that knowledge and, for those who haven’t attended yet, provide a wider range of topics to help them build their digital know-how.”
As well as the local workshop programme, one to one adviser sessions with digital specialists are also available to eligible businesses that would benefit from extra support on digital topics. Access to one to one support is by referral from a local business adviser.
Specific information and dates for workshops is available by visiting www.bgateway.com/digitalboost or by calling 01259 208426.
The new series of free half-day DigitalBoost workshops taking place before the end of the year are:
Facebook for Business on October 18th – FULLY BOOKED
The DigitalBoost Healthcheck, for helping businesses assess their current digital know-how through a series of questions, is being hosted on the Business Gateway website alongside relevant online guides on the workshop topics.