Boost your business to the next level
Ceteris provide a range of business support services to suit your business needs, you will find our latest training, events and webinars on the sliding block below or see the full calendar by clicking here.
Alternatively you can click the buttons bellow for the relevant support required for your business.
Starting Up or Growing? Ceteris can help

Events, Training & Development Courses

Business Growth Support

A Dragons Den Style Annual Competition

Forth Valley Business Week

Business Gateway Support
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Forth Valley Business Week returns on 16th September with a programme of 12 events exploring the topic of Navigating Change.
With a new UK government, a new Forth Green Freeport, emerging Forth Valley Regional Economic Strategy and a City Region Deal, the economic landscape of the Forth Valley is being transformed. Forth Valley Business Week, together with the region’s public, private and third sectors, will explore how to get the best possible outcomes in the face of these significant and exciting changes.