Ceteris are devastated to announce the sudden death of Carl Hodson, our Managing Director and friend.
It is with deep sadness that the Senior Management Team, The Board of Directors, and the Trustees of Ceteris send out this heart felt message to inform you of Carl Hodson’s sudden and unexpected passing on Friday 17th December. We know this will be a shock to you.
Carl was our leader for 9 months, he was a kind, caring, sincere and generous man. Forward thinking and motivated to work determinedly to the values at Ceteris. A real inspiration for us all, Carl supported and coached us to achieve and to do the best we can. We have all flourished under his leadership. Carl will be truly and sadly missed.
Our thoughts are with his family, at this sad time.
“What is lovely never dies but passes into other loveliness, Star-dust, sea-foam, flower or winged air.” Thomas Bailey Aldridge
The senior management team are managing the day-to-day activities and working with the Board of Directors and Trustees to ensure continuity of service. Angela, Maggie, and Aleksandra are available to you if you wish to discuss anything relating to the operational aspects of Ceteris.
Maggie, Angela and Aleksandra, The Board of Directors and The Trustees of Ceteris.