Office 365
Microsoft 365 has powerful collaborative tools, like OneDrive, Teams, Planner, and Forms combined with traditional Microsoft apps to form a powerful productivity-boosting tool.
This mini course for businesses will provide an overview of tools like email, calendars, and OneDrive, plus basic training on all the most popular Microsoft 365 tools including Teams, Forms, Yammer, Power Apps, and SharePoint.
This course not only gets you oriented and organised – it shows you how to use the power of the new cloud-based suite to maximise your productivity, from anywhere, anytime.
Whether you have an iPhone, Android, Windows PC or Mac, Office 365 works seamlessly with them all.
The course will touch on the following:
● Understanding Microsoft 365
● Storing, sharing, and collaborating with OneDrive & SharePoint
● Communicating with Teams
● Using Office 365 mobile apps